Quedgeley Local Nature Reserve(LNR)

Quedgeley LNR is situated off of Curtis Hayward Drive in Quedgeley and is now one of three open space sites left in this part of Gloucester.

Once the grounds of Quedgeley House along with it’s outbuildings, it is now in the middle of housing development and alongside Severn Vale Comprehensive School. The site comprises a wooded area with Oaks, Sycamore and an understorey of Box and Elder as well as a pond; adjacent to this is a more open area with grassland, shrubs and trees including Horse Chestnut, Lime,  and some magnificent specimens of Cedar and Yew. There is an Arboretum too with English and Holm Oak, Elm, Lime and Hornbeam plus associated ground flora and a large area of Butcher’s Broom.

Now under the management of the local Parish Council, GVCV have been involved in helping to restore the site, in terms of it’s wildlife value, with the aim of encouraging local people and the nearby school to make use of this natural facility on their doorstep.  This is an ongoing project which we hope to remain a part of and help in it’s conservation.

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