Nine volunteers turned out to replace stiles with kissing gates along the footpath that runs around Sud Meadow, near to the former Hempstead landfill site which is now being regenerated for people and wildlife. These gates will be easier for people to use than the old stiles whilst presenting an obstacle for illegally ridden motorbikes.
Not a common task for us, a little forward-planning with tools and materials paid off and we were pleased to get all three in.
Thanks to Meyrik from GWT and Steve from Enovert for looking after us and making it happen.
Anthony, Trina and Rob dig holes for the first gate after removing the awkward wood and wire fence.
In goes the gate: Trina, Sian, Rob, Anthony and Dave
Clearly the best-installed gate.
Nathan and Richard work on gate 2
Richard powering on with Gate 3, ‘supervised’ by Nathan and Sam
Steve mucks in
The ‘runners up’ in the ‘best gate installation’ competition: Richard, Steve, Candy, Nathan and Sam
All done!